Saturday, July 19, 2014

Terms of Reference for Commission of Truth & Reconstruction

Was there a thick dossier from AVCF to Yong P C when the latter tried to advise AVCF on BISHOPGATE and that dossier would be a useful start for the COMMISSION of Truth & Reconstruction.  Joshua

What does this mean at the funeral service at ASC ?

Mrs. Mary Vun said in her eulogy “he wanted you all to know that he forgave all who wronged him”  DE 20/7/2104

Nobody wronged him for the crimes AVCF has himself to blame and don’t push them to others who are really innocent.  There are enough evidence to prove AVCF guilty and should be jailed.”

TOR for  CTR would be posted here soon.

Any contributions welcome in the meantime.

Bishopgate Phase 2 – Commission of Truth & Reconstruction 2014


I had recommended or suggested this Commission of Truth & Reconstruction (similar idea before) as fat back to 2012.  CTR was never considered because all the people are so scared of AVCF and possibly AVCF was considered greater than God in ADOS.

So now is the time to implement before we enter into BISHOPGATE phase 2 for a new beginning in ADOS for the well beings of all.

Why is it so difficult now?  If we do not clear the rubbish and mess of AVCF and his cronies, how can we overcome BISHOPGATE phase 1 to move on?

Some people who want to sit the present higher hierarchy  are actually sleeping in their jobs to cheat and rob God and the congregation.

Some people who had taken pro-active steps to put the House of God in Anglican church in Sabah in order had been labeled as trouble makers or even traitors.  If you read the Bible in the Malachi as who is robbing God, and it is the Anglican Diocese of Sabah (not even a church) that is robbing God indirectly and directly when the Church is the warehouse.

There are so many deceptions handed down from generations in the Anglican tradition so much so that God may have left us and watching from afar how we had handled the BISHOPGATE in Anglican Sabah.  So only one or a few may have been anointed by God to challenge the evil doers.  One or a few would be majority as God says “One can send thousands away and a few can send tens of thousands away.”  Now we more than a few committed members.

So the purpose of this CTR is to right those deceptions by traditions, crimes by AVCF and others, and set up a better system or schemes constitutionally with check and balance within.    

Having gone through the mud in APSEA and ADOS and beyond and as far to Archbishop of Canterbury, it is obvious that there are too much weaknesses in the Anglican Communion.  How can it be that the socalled spiritual leaders cannot apply the Constitutions they have set their hands and minds to them?  How can APSEA decided to opt for “non legal entity” when there is a valid Constitution albeit imperfect and possibly flawed with misrepresentations and inconsistencies?  Some people have behaved as if they are God and do as they like with the properties of God as in covetousness.

So this is only a proposed TERMS OF REFERENCE  for CTR:-

1.                  Let God be God and this perception and acceptance be blood and vein of this CTR.
2.                  Review all the affairs in the Anglican in the two major context:-

2.1              Spiritual development and manifestation of the Holy Spirit to glorify God.
2.2              Secular matter and its enrichment as a church managing God’s properties.

3.                  Conduct of the Synod, the Standing Committee and all Parochial Parish Council to align them in new Constitution of adequate measures.

4.                  Recovery of all properties of God through personal embezzlement for as long past since the church was established for forgiveness, reconciliations and restoration..  The principles of accountability must be well established.

5.                  Positions of the Anglican church in the society today in the aspects of welfare, education, health, economy, and politics in relation to the church as an organization and as individuals.

6.                  As an employer and all obligation.

7.                  Relationship with other Christian denominations and other religions.

NB:  This transition would need two years and so act now with public participation.

Each item needs to be expanded.

Joshua Y. C. Kong   6013-8394513

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