Saturday, July 19, 2014

Commission of Truth and Reconstruction


What does this mean at the funeral service at ASC ?

Mrs. Mary Vun said in her eulogy “he wanted you all to know that he forgave all who wronged him”  DE 20/7/2104

Nobody wronged him for the crimes AVCF has himself to blame and don’t push them to others who are really innocent.  There are enough evidence to prove AVCF guilty and should be jailed.”

CTR should go forward with "

It is now easier to convene the Ecclesiastical Court without the AVCF as he and stephen foo had declared to fight to the end to resolve the issue and also make public the PAC full report and the recommendation etc.
This must be done so that assets of AVCF can be frozen.

The best choice for Vicar-General is Rev Moses Chin as he has stayed through thick and thin for God in BISHOPGATE. His demotion by AVCF was done in evil malice.  Do you know what is the valid ground of the demotion?

Commission of Truth and Reconstruction

Bishopgate glory to God

Now I can boast, boast in the name of God in Christ.

It has been a tough two and a half years for me almost alone to settle the first part of the BISHOPGATE by doing what God had anointed me to do what to many is impossible.

It is quite safe to say that "none" of the Anglican members really dare to come forward to help me in whatever ways desirable.

Actually when I wanted to serve the Civil Suit for the Anton Pillar I had to get help from non Anglicans.  Why?  Is Albert Vun a god?  We are all in holy priesthood hence we need to serve God in his Church in the truth and the spirit whether we are in full time clergy duty or not.

Even Stephen Foo accused me in front of others in the ADOS office that I did not have God when I wanted to serve the Civil Suit to the “late” Bishop.  I rebuked him and rebutted that if I did not have God, I would not be standing at the office.

How can I not have God when so many on the AVCF side had prayed for me to die and that is more than almost three years ago.  In fact as soon I entered the office of the “late” bishop, there was one sister Susan who prayed on the knees at the lobby and I did not know what she prayed and now confirmed that God had done what He needed to do is that we as Christians must put the House of God in proper order.  No doubt about that.

The first phase of BISHOPGATE has ended and yet the ADOS is much messy unless there is a Will of the AVCF to deal with his great wealth derived from his questioned service in ADOS and other illegitimate places like Thailand and Petaling Jaya.

Did not AVCF know that he had to store treasure in heaven where it would not rot?  I believe he had lots of wealth including ill gotten treasure on earth and it is rotting already unless he has a Will to be made public.  Whoever going to inherit that questioned wealth of AVCF is to get the CURSE of God unless all the wealth accumulated in Sabah and elsewhere is returned to ADOS.

The verse from God for the AGM of All Saints Cathedral 2014 was the “wicked man must be removed” on 6th April, 2014 and it is now 15th July, 2014 that “wicked man had been removed”.  Praise God for that.  Actually the Dean should also be removed from ASC.

All those cronies who would inherit the wealth and wickedness of AVCF would also be removed.

For your information, I have Jesus Christ within me even I had not taken His Holy Bread for more than 5 years.  I strongly believe we can all have direct relationship with Jesus Christ and that is the Truth.   Learn to live like Jesus Christ.  I have been fasting under the Isaiah 58 since 1994 for Jesus Christ.

Many may condemn me for taking the action as I had pursued against AVCF. I had hardly been in contact with AVCF for more than 5 minutes since he came to ASC in 2005/2006.  I know Jesus Christ could use me to deal with AVCF based on a divine experience in one Sunday morning in early 2009.  The Sunday morning was unusual that I met AVCF at the door of the ASC and I chanced to ask him a simple question/comment.
He did not want to answer me but said “If you don’t like………” but he did not complete his statement except that he was turning at the place where he stood.  So God shut his mouth.  I already knew what he wanted to say as he had said to others like “ If you don’t like, then you can leave”.  Isn’t that stupor of AVCF at that stance then confirmed that I could handle him in any crisis of the ADOS and ASC?  It was a divine message for me that I could not be sent away from ADOS/ASC.

Very hard to convince others to resolve BISHOPGATE phase 1 and now it is phase 2, and who would work hard at this for a new direction for the sake of Christians in Sabah. If Bishopgate phase 2 is not handled properly, then Anglican also doom would be sealed forever.

I have made enough suggestions and comments for the move forward of ADOS.

If the vicar general is to be appointed it is only a transition and be instrumental for a new dawn in ADOS possibly in a new design without Anglican Province of South East Asia (APSEA) as HOBs had failed miserably to resolve BISHOPGATE phase 1.

APSEA did ask me to withdraw my Civil case against AVCF in July, 2014 via the honorary diocese secretary in Kuching but I rejected the lopsided proposition.  I had to withdraw unconditionally. 

So what is wrong with the Civil Court action when later HOB of APSEA pursued it to the Appeal Court in another matter.

I would like to ask Bolly Lapok, when is he to release the full PAC report on the 38 of the 40 alleged crimes for public viewing.  Would he instruct the lawyer Ronny to let the 5 complainants to have the full PAC report together with the HOB’s recommendation.  I think this is the first step for Bolly to kick off BISHOPGATE phase 2 and let God deal with the dark side of AVCF affecting the whole global Anglican communion.

Bolly Lapok should also convene a powerful and independent Commission of Truth and Reconstruction for BISHOPGATE phase 1 and then deal with BISHOPGATE phase 2 where the mess of AVCF be resolved peaceful and in proper order to bring Glory to God.
It does not mean when AVCF is no more, everything can be obliterated.

The Commission of Truth and Reconstruction would come out with a full report to set all Anglicans so far divided into two camps free and truly free in Christ.

May God bless those who read this item and pray and cry to the Lord Jesus for truly a new beginning in ADOS and beyond. 

Joshua Y. C. Kong    6013-8394513    19/7/2014


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