Sunday, September 14, 2014

 If MJT is not prepared to do CTR, then he should resign and let another one to deal with the rottenness of AVCF.  A guilty party cannot do anything good for a revival.  Joshua




Open message with 7 points for new VG MJT

Bishopgate Open message 2014

This is an OPEN message to  all Anglicans and Christians.

According to Isaiah 45, nothing is hidden from God and so is all 

the resources obtained by God,from God, and of God 

cannot be hidden in any Church for God’s mission on earth 

by His people, of His people and for His people.

After writing seven messages to the Synod of Anglican 

Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) and the members recently, it is only 

appropriate that I write this message to all.

Some may ask why am I writing this and I consider this as very 

important as it God’s Church for all and nobody owns His Church on earth.  

So let God be God.

What have been happening in many Churches around the world  is very disturbing indeed and thereis no excuse to find faults 

in some people  to justify their misdemeanors.

It would appear that the fundamental in the running of any 

Church is based on the Constitution but when some wicked
 man stays in power, such written Constitution with the good
 intention of the Church would be ignored or even corrupted. 
The message that came to me for the amendments of the 
Constitution of All Saints Cathedral in an Extra General Meeting
 held on 10th February, 2014 was “Expel the wicked man from

 among you” (1 Corinthian 5: 13b).

At the EGM 2014 of ASC, the rejection of Amendment 

7 means no confidence in the Dean Chak and rejection of 

Amendment 8 means no confidence in the Bishop to meddle in 

the affairs of ASC as we had enough of him since 2005 till 2012.

So God had spoken there and every day.

So we must take heed that how come after the “disappearance”
 of  bishop Albert Vun Cheong Fui on 15th July, 2014, the Synod 

in its Biennial General  Meeting on 31 August, to 4th September 

2014 was reported to vote on the Amendments of the 

Constitution of the  Anglican Diocese of  Sabah.  

So I would believe such amendments would the works of the 

“dead” bishop as it was the case in the EGM 2014 of the All 

Saints Cathedral.  I am concerned about the Amendment of the 

Constitution of ADOS because all Anglicans (present and future) 
are affected by such questioned action.  Also whenever the 

Constitution of ADOS is done, it must be compatible with the 

other Constitutions upwards and downwards and no unilateral 

action is justified to avoid any possible conflict within and
 without the Anglican Church.

If you are not convinced with what I had been writing, then can 

you be convinced with what had been written in the press 

recently?  Yes, there were three major press articles in Daily 

Express (Bishop under Probe 18th July, 2012,   Suit against 

Anglican Bishop dismissed   6th March 2014, Church members 

divided over stand of Anglican Archbishop March 16, 2014 ) in 

recent years which are very disturbing indeed.  It is not known 

who had actually written them except the one titled 
Suit against Anglican Bishop dismissed “ bearing the photograph of the 

Diocesan Chancellor although Albert Vun was present at the 

press conference.  Does the Constitution of ADOS allow key 
and senior persons including the Bishop to speak to the press especially with a hidden agenda of falsehood 

and deliberate deception?  The ensuing damage to the Church 
is irreparable.  What had been written for a personal agenda in 

Suit against Anglican Bishop dismissed” was subsequently 

rectified by the Appeal Court.  Did the Diocesan Chancellor go 
to the press again on the ruling of the Appeal Court on 23rd May, 


Whatever that had flowed in the ADOS and beyond in the 

Anglican Communion had been of frightening dimension.  Yet 

nothing had been done to repair the damages even with the 

mysterious disappearance” of Albert Vun Cheong Fui to 

coincide with the aftermath of the Appeal Court ruling which 
was to take effect 90 days which could be just before the Synod 2014.  With such hefty ruling, Albert Vun could have been 

suspended by the Anglican Province of South East Asia [APSEA] 
under Archbishop Bolly Lapok.  Whatever not done by Bolly for 

the most challenging situation likened to be the Catch22 of 

BISHOPGATE may be unknown to Anglicans, but what Bolly 

said at the funeral as reported in the press should be heeded 
of his unsatisfactory handling of the BISHOPGATE as widened to 

enfolding Bolly and two other bishops in House of Bishops in 

APSEA.  Bolly was reported to have said something like that
 “Rt Rev Datuk Bolly praised the strong character of the late Vun
 and said at the eulogy that the House of Bishop is never the same 

again without Albert. We will miss him”

 How would you discern this statement when Albert Vun is a

wicked man? A wicked man to be missed?  Assessing Bollys Statement to his handling

 of the ADOS since 16th July, 2014 until the Synods Congress 

with a vacuum leadership” and now with the amendments of 
the Constitution done by AVCF prior to his disappearance” and 

likely approved by people in favour of the wicked man is indeed 


 Amendment of Constitution is such an important action that 
 cannot be done within 45 days of 15th July, 2014 if fresh clauses 
are to be included and likely going through various stages for 

consensus.  There is no excuse for the passing of any 

Constitution as the next Synod would be only held in two years 

time.  Anyway the whole revamp of the Anglican church in the 

region and beyond need massive attention.

So the best to do such revamp is the set up of the Commission 

of Truth and Reconstruction (CTR) for a comprehensive effort 
do justice for all.

After 24th August, 2014

That part of this message was prepared before 24th August, 2014 
and now we know that the Vicar General is the ex assistant 

bishop Melter Jiki Tais who had lied many times including that 

done in the sanctuary of All Saints Cathedral on 16th October, 

2012. Had he apologised publicly now?  Maybe God will deal 

with him in His time and hopefully before he does further 

damages to ADOS as the evil legacy of Albert. 

There is no meritocracy and justification in APSEA for Melter to

be appointed the VG as such appointment is key to a revamp in ADOS.
 I doubt very much MJT is prepared to undo what his ex 

boss had done so much damages to ADOS as that had been to 

the civil court. To be fair to all in ADOS, Bolly should have called an  investigation on the circumstances to review why Rev Moses 

Chin was downgraded in early 2014 when Albert was a sick man
 with distorted attitude and unfit person to remain the bishop with 

the prerogative of the position as often abused.

I strongly believe that Moses was demoted” in rank so that he 

could lose the opportunity to accent to the position of VG or even 
the Bishop as vacancy could have arisen soon.  Albert also wanted
 his evil “legacy” to be continued by his crony.

Many may not be aware that there was a disturbing case of 

grafitti on the church in Sandakan possible under the preview 
of Moses in Indah Anglican Church. That case was reported to
 the Police for investigation and also likely the first incident in ADOS.
  If that was the reason for Moses to have lost his Archdeaconship, I am not surprised of manipulation within.

Don’t tell me that MJT was only appointed on 24th August, 2014, 

the day after Jesus Christ’s birthday that he cannot promptly

 implement good changes away from the evil legacy of Albert.  

MJT has shown he is not for change towards a new direction
 as expected by many Anglicans.

MJT was already fully aware of the rottenness of the ‘legacy’ 

of Albert.  He had done several major events since the 
“disappearance” of Albert possibly also still in Albert’s shadow by 

conducting the lopsided funeral service of Albert when he is of

 lower rank than Albert as Bolly should have conducted the service.  Also MJT and Bolly allowed Albert to “preach” at his 

own funeral.

Another major event was the Synod 2014 held over 31 August/3 September.   Who could have organised this massive event if it was NOT done by MJT?

Today it is almost two months after the “disappearance” of Albert,
 and yet ADOS is still under the “mud” or evil legacy of Albert.
  We are aware that everything about the Synod 2014 was also

 illegal.  There are much outstanding mess of Albert yet to be 

resolved.  Was anything in Synod 2014 done in cleaning up such outstanding mess of the evil man Albert?

So this important message ends with 7 key points namely:-

1.       Return the two Altars in All Saints Cathedral prior to 2016 and keep the Choir seats to the right side.

2.       Re-start the Kindergarten and the Sunday Schools.

3.       Cancel the Celebration Centre in All Saints Cathedral ground in its present form and location.

4.       The ‘demotion of Rev Moses Chin should be investigated or his position restored .

5.       The Court Documents in the Archbishop Case be made public and the decisions of the Appeal Court be implemented including the conduct of the Ecclesiatical Court in the absence of Albert Vun..

6.       .Install the Commission of Truth & Reconstruction.

[the Terms of Reference already in the Bishopgate Blog].

7.       The Vicar General MJT should resign if no revamp effort is made.

Joshua Y. C. Kong    15 September, 2014

Appointment letter of VG

Sunday, August 24, 2014

7th Message to the delegates of Synod and members of Anglican Diocese of Sabah ADOS.

7th Message to the delegates of Synod and members of Anglican Diocese of Sabah ADOS.

Dean Chak of All Saints Cathedral wrote a message title GRACE in the Cathedral bulletin of 24th August, 2014 exactly one week before the ADOS Synod congress 2014.

Quote from the last paragraph of that message “Let past the past and let God’s grace handle the future.  The future belongs to the Lord. God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

As there is no Bishop and no Vicar General, I hope this is not the theme of the ADOS Synod 2014.  If it is the theme and key message then it is very sad for the Anglican Church stuck in the very muddy pool of shit of Albert Vun Cheong Fui – the ex Bishop.

What did the son Samuel say on behalf of the “dead” Bishop?  He said with a grudge in his heart that his father had forgiven all you people in his eulogy at the funeral.  If that is the case, why did not Albert say it himself in his socalled “last sermon” also shown in the “preaching” video at his own funeral at ASC.  The son saying it is irrelevant

So we are all heading for an important Synod 2014 which can break or make the Anglican Church into the future as God’s Grace can work two or more ways.

We all know that Albert when he was in office, he used to blame others especially the Standing Committee and the Diocesan Chancellor for his action.  There are also fingers pointing at the Standcom or the Synods for the massive failure of Albert.

So based on the Dean’s message and if most people agree to it, are the Standcom and the Synod to bear the brunt of Albert forever when we know the sin was piling up to the heaven.  You think God likes the “perfume” of those sinful acts in ADOS? 

You all believe that the grace of God would deal with those rotten things without those responsible repenting and put right what had been wrong.

Spiritual and secular matters are inter-related if anyone had done wrong as the black marks are recorded in us as like an iguana has a cut in its tail for every chicken killed and eaten.  We need to go to God in the image of God in the light.

So are the Standcom and Synod prepared to carry those alleged black marks themselves to the next world without dealing with them now.   I think there would not be intimidating “crocodile tears” at the start of the Synod if to be held.

If Grace is sufficient, why then ASC could not find a suitable honorary auditor for 2013 for the first time until it is still a mess with the accounts for 2013 yet to be approved even done by a sort of professional firm also with conflict.

If Grace is sufficient, why was not the ADOS audited accounts for 2010 and 2011 yet to be re-audited as promised after the alleged “frauds” in those accounts.  How do we account to God for His money?
If Grace is sufficient, why no honorary auditor can take up the job in ADOS for the accounts of 2012 and 2013 when it is unconstitutional for an audit firm to do it.  As a principle, 2012 and 2013 accounts cannot be audited when the accounts of 2010 and 2011 were very much questioned.

Recently the Putatan Chamber of Commerce was de-registered by the Registrar of Society for their accounts were not properly endorsed by two former auditors.

While we are not under the Societies Act, is it God’s grace that ADOS and ASC be “liquidated” according to the proper Order of God?  Should we go on handling the accounts of God in Anglican Church with the elements of hanky panky and still be OK?

God’s grace is sufficient for us to continue sinning and let the blood of Jesus go on washing clean and be good disciples of God.  Remember, what Jesus did in His temple of unsightly activities?

Based on the message of Dean Chak, it would go on with the rottenness of ADOS endless hoping “let the past the past” like “let the dead bury the dead.”

When this rotten scenario is continued, don’t expect God to withhold His wrath on us.

This brings me to some examples of the Wrath in All Saints Cathedral and ADOS in the past and now coming in a grand style which we cannot afford to ignore.

I am not going into the details why the youngest brother of the two bishops passed away also with cancer in early this millennium.  That was the wrath of God.  We need to sit down for this sharing.

Dean Herbert should share why he had to resign as Dean of ASC and even decided to join another private church. He got himself in an entanglement of sort and was talking nonsense in anger from the pulpit. That was the wrath of God.

Then soon after the “disappearance” of Albert  in July 2014 also blamed on cancer but outlived his two months since October, 2013, his brother Mike went to the next world so soon.  Isn’t that Wrath of God too?

There have been plenty of warnings of Wrath of God and anything can happen now.

Another wrath of God is that Stephen Foo on 23rd July, 2012 in front of John Yeo, K Thien, possibly Yong T C and another priest in the Wisma Anglican’s library declared that I did not have God.  I rebutted Foo that if I did not have God, I would not be standing there to serve the Writ of Summon against Albert and survive till today when many have been praying that God would deal with me for two years now.

Continue to serve God in the truth and the spirit, I would expect the delegates of the Synod unless it is called off in the last minute would be likely great disappointment as those delegates were largely “appointed” under the cultic Albert.  Who would be in the Standcom to venture for a new beginning of the ADOS?  Would most of the incumbent members be retained from the same crop of largely silent “delegates”?

How can the illegal audited accounts of ADOS by an accounting firm and not HONORARY auditor be presented to the Synod?  By virtue of this message, the Archbishop of the “non legal entity” APSEA could face the Wrath of God in some ways if the accounts are presented to be approved.

If Dean Chak had suggested that the “let past the past” to applied to the Synod and ADOS, we fear everything would be further exposed as so much had already been exposed. 

The Synod 2014 has nothing much to boast except to set up the professional Commission of Truth and Re-construction.  Only then can ADOS move on otherwise the existence of ADOS is very much questioned.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I do not quote any Biblical verse here but my writing is biblical based.  So be blessed by the burden that the Wrath and Grace of God would deal with us.

Joshua Y. C. Kong    24 August, 2014 a belated birthday message.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

6th Message to the Synod of Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) 2014 and Anglican members

6th Message to the Synod of Anglican Diocese of Sabah (ADOS) 2014 and Anglican members

Since May, 2014 God gave me a burden to make an impression on the Synod delegates to consider the interest of God’s church and His wealth for our blessing.  Needless for me to go through the crimes of AVCF now that he is sort of “disappear” from the ADOS.

In this message, I would remind the delegates to be always conscious of the interests of God in His church.

In this message it is focus on the assets of God especially the sale of church land in Likas of 13.86 acres for RM31m and the direction of ADOS now that there is no Vicar General or Bishop or Chairman of the Synod 2014.

Before I go into the matters of this 6th message, I would like to remind delegates of the Synod and members of the ADOS of my other five messages earlier since May, 2014.

1st Message - The sham of AVCF has been identified in Synod 2010 where the illegal project in the Kokol Prayer Summit was exposed.  [That was the start of BISHOPGATE].

2nd message - Delegates of Synod’s congress 2014, please prepare some motion of no confidence in Albert CF Vun (AVCF) Bishop of Sabah to stop BISHOPGATE once and for all. [Now obsolete with the “disappearance” of AVCF].

3rd Message -In the AGM 2008 of ASC I raised the issue of the kindergarten closure in 2006 one year after the AVCF became the Bishop and I mentioned about the factor "Islamic teaching".  [so this hearsay of AVCF then would never be established now].

4th message - I must say that if Synod delegates are not prepared to design motions for the betterment of ADOS, then members of any matured major parishes should be encouraged to do appropriate motions to get rid of the crisis in ADOS which I call BISHOPGATE.  [again this proposal is simply ignored].

5th Message - The Constitution of Diocese of Sabah states in Article IX (7)  - Procedure in the Diocesan Synod – “At each ordinary meeting of the Diocesan Synod, an honorary auditor shall be appointed  who shall remain in office until the conclusion of the ordinary meeting of the Diocesan Synod and shall be eligible for re-appointment.” [ the audited accounts cannot be approved for two reasons namely the accounts of 2010 and 2011 were not re-audited and accounts of 2012 and 2013 as audited are unconstitutional and nobody can over rule this].

So are we as Anglicans in the last seven or eight years better nourished in some ways of the glaring shortcomings?

Have we searched our souls as delegates of the Synod and members of the Anglican church for the glaring shortcomings?

Have we given back to God the unfortunate shortcomings we face as a challenge and the blessings that we have received as God is God and let God be God?

We are the ears, eyes, hands, feet of God to do His work and have we done our roles well especially in the sort of demeaning BISHOPGATE?

Whatever we have done we have now arrived in another milestone in our lives in Christ as delegates and members of the Anglican Church gather for another meaningful Synod in August/September, 2014.

I believe a lot of development in spiritual and secular matters have gone through the Synod and I am proposing that we reflect on two very important matters of the Anglican Church namely the appointment of the successor of Bishop Albert and the management of our assets also the God’s blessing.

We all desire and pray that God would deliver His new direction for the Anglican Church in Sabah and beyond.  God has also spoken through many of us as we have been struggling for the truth in the Anglican Diocese.  Many are of the opinion that we need to deal with the past in order that the future can be on solid grounds as the truth would set us free.

We are urged to be very conscious how we deal with the assets in our Church, which are also the properties of God. Aren’t we blessed to be self regulatory and can we abuse that divine privilege? Can we just dispose of such earthly blessing without the thought of the Biblical consequences of facing the wrath of God?  Once back in 2006, Albert Vun was preaching in the 10am English service in the Dewan Grace that his blessing was not for sale as someone would pay him for the blessing under the water for a special wedding ceremony in Sipadan Island?  So I was urged to interrupt why the church land of God is sold to the freemason.  The congregation was stunned for a few minutes.  What happened thereafter, it was in the hands of Albert.

Since the arrival of Albert in Kota Kinabalu as the Bishop many land transactions were done and also questioned.  One of the land deals was the bishop’s own family piece in Menggatal.

The other much bigger one was the CL land of 13.86 acres in Likas sold for RM31m.  I know this disposal approval was done through the Synod for a long time already.  With Albert’s prerogative approval or his often abuse thereof the deal could be called off as we can see now how we have missed out on the God’s blessing had we held on to the land for the good of all.

Going by the market value of scarce land in Kota Kinabalu in recent years, it had been that the price movement of the land in Kota Kinabalu had been like a “rocket”.  It has been reported that a piece of land of less than 5,000 sq feet in Signal hill in 2013 was sold for RM7 million making it about  RM1,400 per sq feet. Then a piece of shoplot in Gaya Street was reported sold for RM3m for less than 2,000 sq ft making it RM1,500 per sq feet.  Then in early August, 2014 a city empty lot of about 30,000 sq ft was sold for RM20m making it RM667 per sq ft.  The latest land sold in Luyang of 2.75 ac  was for RM41.5m making it to RM348 per sq ft.  So ADOS land of 13.86ac was sold for RM31m making it RM52 per sq ft in 2009.  So could value of the land in Kota Kinabalu had increased by more than 6 folds in less than 5 years?  Whose fault for the low price?

How could the Anglican church lose out so much or more than RM100m in the Likas land and yet it was claimed by the professional that it was worth it then?

It may be good to let bygone be bygone but God knows what has happened.

Had we kept the land in Likas, it could open up for another massive church there as Albert was so adamant to squeeze the Celebration Centre into the ASC ground.

So over now to the Synod if something can be done about the sale of Likas land which I consider on legal grounds that the transaction was illegal.  I hope some concerned lawyers would look into that deal.  It was a major subject matter of my Writ of Summon against Albert in mid 2012.  Maybe the Synod 2014 would move a motion to re-open that rotten deal as it was one of the causes for the start of BISHOPGATE.

The other is the appointment of the successor of Bishop for the Synod 2014’s approval.

It is indeed a wonder that since the “disappearance” of Albert on 15th July, 2014, the ADOS had been on “auto-pilot” as who could be dealing with the management of the ADOS.  According to the Diocese Constitution, the assistant bishops were appointed to assist the Bishop of Sabah and when the Bishop is no longer around, the assistant bishops become redundant.  The archdeacon could be next to run the ADOS but Albert played “dirty” to remove the Archdeacon when he was too ill to be the Bishop hence that action was null and void.  If we want to lay blame on that it is also the fault of the Archbishop of APSEA Bolly Lapok for the worst development in ADOS.

So without a leader in ADOS, who could be organising the event of Synod 2014? We don’t want all sort of illegalities to happen in ADOS any more after the APSEA was once ruled by the High Court as “non legal entity”.  Aren’t we told to submit to the authority on earth when we are a “non legal entity”? Are we hypocrites at the highest level too?

Actually when did AVCF “die”?  Who could have issued the Diocesan Bulletin in August 2014 when Albert “disappeared” on 15th July, 2014?  According to the Diocesan Bulletin Albert “died” many times earlier as the word “LATE” was used several times in several earlier church events.  So who authorized the publication of that “untimely and premature” Diocesan Bulletin?  Could it be Mary Vun? I am told many church members refused to take that Diocesan bulletin with the “dead” man’s message on the front page as if he was “living”. That message could have been in June’s unpublished edition.  Why not done? We also were told that Albert had two more months to live in October, 2013 but he survived much longer and then suddenly the “Obituary” on 15 July, 2014 after spending so much God’s money in “treatment”.  That Diocesan bulletin could wait for the successor to issue.  Nothing urgent about that when the June 2014’s edition was skipped giving away the secret of the known “disappearance”.  It is indeed God’s Will in the several “late” instances and the skipped June 2014’s edition that a “cultish” motive as established was exposed in the sort of legacy especially Albert was “preaching” in his own funeral and the Archbishop just allowed it to happen.  Was Albert truly serving God or self serving for his ego of doom upon litigation matters in the civil courts and Ecclesiastical court?  We have yet to see his full medical report, his death certificate, and his Will as his assets could include properties bought from God’s money treated as his ill gotten gains.

I hope the delegates of Synod and church members share this common burden rather than bear it in silence that a true and fresh beginning would come to His church in Kota Kinabalu and beyond.

As I had proposed before, a professional Commission of Truth and Reconstruction be set up to deal with the past, present and the future to do the needful for much had been exposed in recent years.  While Jesus Christ can clear the mess for us spiritually, the secular matters must be dealt with properly according to the law and the constitution to let the transition be a blessing to all.  Others are watching as how we handle the very unfortunate BISHOPGATE.  Only yesterday at a function, a non Christian childhood friend came to tell me what he knew Albert for his wayward character from young.  Don’t ADOS under new leader want to correct that and hold Albert fully responsible for the BISHOPGATE?

Don’t the Standing Committee since 2006 want to clear the blame of its failings?

Don’t the delegates of Synod – past and present – clear the “crocodile tears” for the members of the church for all those crimes of Albert?

We have still one week to pray for our new direction as to whether a full Report of the BISHOPGATE be released for public consumption when the full PAC report of APSEA in 2012 although ordered by the Court of Appeal is still hidden from the very much aggrieved members.

If we are embarrassed, then what would God declare?

Let Jesus Christ give us His special birthday gift on 23 August as I have spiritual and physical context to declare that when ASC is holding a PCC meeting on that day.

Be bold for Christ sake as to live is for Christ and to die is gain.  Be a majority for Christ.

Thank you for reading and reflect.

Joshua Y. C. Kong

For full details of BISHOPGATE, go to, and /

Thursday, August 14, 2014

HoBs of APSEA still insist on the non legal entity?

If Bolly had appealed against the ruling of the Appeal Court, it would mean Bolly is for the non legal entity hence the HoBs have lost all credibility to reign for the ADOS.

No wonder we have yet to hear of the VG.

So it is timely that church members set up an interim governance for ADOS other it is really "headless" when the Assistant Bishops cannot hold the fort the "dead" bishop.

Monday, August 11, 2014

why so much disquiet?

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Mad sailor
It would appear a great drama of AVCF is still on and the Bolly would know something about the dark shadow of AVCF when the Court case is still pending.
Why are there so many declined as the mess of AVCF is piling up to heaven? So avcf if still alive would claim that he can only do it for ‘his’ church despite the unruliness and mess.

So what do we expect the Synod without a proper head as the Agenda and notices should have been sent off in July. So the mess in ADOS is getting thicker now.






why so much disquiet?

August 12, 2014 - 8:56 am joshuakong823
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why so quiet or disquiet now with the Court case?
With the focus of the case of “dead” Bav, what is next?
Is there leave to appeal to the Federal Court granted?
If not granted, then when can we read the full PAC report as the ruling of the Appeal allows that? Where is the full PAC report?
What happen to the E-C now?
If not done, we should pursue to file a case of Contempt of court against the Bolly and others.
The mess in the ADOS and BAV was perpetrated by HoBs using some out of context bible verses.
Now Bolly cannot find a VG in ADOS, hence the “Satan” is in control and the “head” of ADOS.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

AVCF really died????


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The publication of Diocesan Bulletin has given the signs of fake death in its delayed QUARTERLY publication March, June (did not come out) and why come out on 1st August? Also if your read the bulletin , you will see how many times LATE bishop came out and so when did AVCF died actually?

Also in his “suffering” sharing he tried to play out emotion to get people on boat to believe he really died.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jesus Christ - set ADOS free on 23 August, 2014

Set all members and clergy FREE of the evil of AVCF in the name of the blessed Jesus Christ....

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Commission of Truth and Reconstruction to handle this URGENTLY

We are talking of tens of millions of Ringgit if not hundred of millions....

July 21, 2013 - 1:27 pm curious
I am not an accountant and I am curious.If the previous accounts not audited,could the following year account be audited? Isn’t there a continuation from the preceding year?

  • Miaw SL
    let the Treaurer General, Michael Tong to answer. He is the most qualified accountant in Anglican church to answer this based on his professionalism.
    Michael Tong has definitely advised wrongly especially he did not comply with the Diocesan's Constitution to appoint an "HONORARY" AUDITOR for 2012, and 2013.
    Previously accounts 2010 and 2011 were promised by M Tong to be re-audited and affirmed by the HoBs led by Bolly, but not done, hence how can 2012 and 2013 be audited properly when the opening figures are incorrect.